
Cardona Castle
Cardona 1714: the impregnable castle

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Cardona Castle

The educational tour we offer provides an opportunity to introduce one of the most important events in the modern history of Catalonia, the War of the Spanish Succession (1700–1714).

All year

In 1711, Cardona was subjected to a bitter siege by the Bourbon army that went on for 34 days and in which almost 15,000 soldiers of different nationalities took part. In September 1714, when the war ended, Cardona was still standing. The city of Barcelona fell on 11 September and Cardona did so seven days later on 18 September.

Pupils will learn about the origins of the war, the key players, how the events unfolded and the final outcome. They will also discover the role of Cardona in the conflict and about the heroism of the men who defended the castle during the Siege of Cardona in 1711 and continued to do so until September 1714.

Cardona Castle is a veritable compendium of the history of art, architecture and engineering. Over the course of this guided tour, pupils will gain in-depth knowledge of this monument and learn how to interpret it and place it in context.

The educational tour for pupils begins in Cardona Castle’s magnificent gunpowder arsenal and bunker, known as the Casemate (19th century). It is here that the historical events, their origins, context and the key figures involved are introduced. Immediately afterwards, pupils will begin a tour of the old medieval castle and of the modern fortress. At various points, the unfolding of the Siege of Cardona in 1711 will be described. They will also learn about the defensive systems employed in modern times, the basic structural elements of the castle, the use of its various spaces, day-to-day life in a besieged stronghold, war engines, curiosities and anecdotes, as well as about the outcome of the siege and its repercussions. The tour is a magnificent opportunity for learning about one of the key events in the modern history of Catalonia, the War of the Spanish Succession, the origins of the conflict and the consequences that derived from it.

The tour is designed and adapted to match pupils’ curricular level.


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