Giravolt is not just a gallery of 3D models. The main aim is no raise awareness about 3D technology in the professional field of heritage so that staff working in this field may incorporate it in all their working processes. The 3D models in the heritage section are extremely useful for various tasks:

The Giravolt programme provides for a number of activities intended for professionals working in the field of heritage.
Every year the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage scans heritage objects held in museums and other organisations free of charge. The museums and organisations receive a copy of all the models in various resolutions, a file containing all the metadata of the entire process, and a user manual.
In addition to the scanning session, workshops are also provided for the facility's technical staff, and that of other organisations located nearby or with similar interests. They provide an introduction to photogrammetry and its use in the field of heritage. For staff with prior 3D digitalisation knowledge and experience, specialised workshops are organised, given by experts, to enable them to improve their techniques and update their content.
We circulate the data in accordance with European directives and those of the Generalitat de Catalunya, publishing the scanned models on the Internet under Attribution 4.0 Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) license. We can thereby best achieve the maximum diffusion of heritage and the preservation of Catalan cultural heritage's visibility. The acknowledgement model is: Name of the object. Museum or organisation of origin. Giravolt Programme.
International dissemination
The programme promotes Catalan cultural heritage's international visibility, as well as that of the project itself, by establishing contacts with international organisations also working in this field, and by presentations in international forums.
Creation of standards
The Catalan Government Ministry of Culture is drawing up a standards and good practice guide containing a detailed description of the procedures and protocols to follow in order to obtain high quality 3D models. It will be of use for any person or institution that wishes to participate in the programme, or who simply would like to know what the applicable standards are for the 3D documentation of cultural heritage in Catalonia.
The Giravolt programme includes the possibility for research agreements with research centres and universities for investigating new scanning methods, storage, model administration, as well as new forms of publication. If you are interested in this, please contact the programme coordinator.
Many museums and heritage administrators have initiated important policies for 3D documentation and dissemination: Scottish Ten, the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, etc. Outstanding in this respect in Catalonia is the work done by the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and by the Museu de Ciències Naturals.
Various institutions and organisations in Europe have recognised the growth of 3D documentation in the field of culture, and have lent their support.
Every year the Catalan Government Ministry of Culture announces a call for free scanning throughout the Catalan museum networks. In 2020, it was the ethnology museum network that was the beneficiary.
Giravolt is also open to collaboration with other organisations that already have 3D documentation projects underway. One of our aims is to share knowledge between all the actors to achieve the best results possible. If you are a company or a professional individual with experience of 3D heritage documentation and you would like to become known to us, please fill in this form to be included in a future 3D heritage cluster.
You can follow the programme's progress on social networks with this hashtag, #Giravolt3D, or by subscribing to patrimoni.gencat's professional newsletter.
If you would like to contact us directly you can write to us at:
- For documentation: there is no better way to document an object.
- For research: it is possible to inspect the object remotely in all its detail, and over its entire surface and, if necessary, it is possible to change the illumination to observe it in relief.
- For conservation: it makes it possible to detect and measure any deterioration, to make reconstructions, to fit elements together virtually, and to carry out studies into the stability of, and any damage to, elements of architectural heritage.
- For education: it is possible to develop very attractive activities for pupils that will enrich their knowledge of Catalan cultural heritage.
- For communication: it can be shared on social media and there is a very high return.
- For making heritage more accessible: either individually or collectively, creating virtual exhibitions, or the online publishing of each of the models.
- For new narratives: it is the basis for augmented reality, virtual reality and many immersive experiences.

The Giravolt programme provides for a number of activities intended for professionals working in the field of heritage.Scanning
Every year the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage scans heritage objects held in museums and other organisations free of charge. The museums and organisations receive a copy of all the models in various resolutions, a file containing all the metadata of the entire process, and a user manual.
In addition to the scanning session, workshops are also provided for the facility's technical staff, and that of other organisations located nearby or with similar interests. They provide an introduction to photogrammetry and its use in the field of heritage. For staff with prior 3D digitalisation knowledge and experience, specialised workshops are organised, given by experts, to enable them to improve their techniques and update their content.
We circulate the data in accordance with European directives and those of the Generalitat de Catalunya, publishing the scanned models on the Internet under Attribution 4.0 Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) license. We can thereby best achieve the maximum diffusion of heritage and the preservation of Catalan cultural heritage's visibility. The acknowledgement model is: Name of the object. Museum or organisation of origin. Giravolt Programme.
International dissemination
The programme promotes Catalan cultural heritage's international visibility, as well as that of the project itself, by establishing contacts with international organisations also working in this field, and by presentations in international forums.
Creation of standards
The Catalan Government Ministry of Culture is drawing up a standards and good practice guide containing a detailed description of the procedures and protocols to follow in order to obtain high quality 3D models. It will be of use for any person or institution that wishes to participate in the programme, or who simply would like to know what the applicable standards are for the 3D documentation of cultural heritage in Catalonia.
The Giravolt programme includes the possibility for research agreements with research centres and universities for investigating new scanning methods, storage, model administration, as well as new forms of publication. If you are interested in this, please contact the programme coordinator.
Many museums and heritage administrators have initiated important policies for 3D documentation and dissemination: Scottish Ten, the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, etc. Outstanding in this respect in Catalonia is the work done by the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and by the Museu de Ciències Naturals.
Various institutions and organisations in Europe have recognised the growth of 3D documentation in the field of culture, and have lent their support.
Every year the Catalan Government Ministry of Culture announces a call for free scanning throughout the Catalan museum networks. In 2020, it was the ethnology museum network that was the beneficiary.
Giravolt is also open to collaboration with other organisations that already have 3D documentation projects underway. One of our aims is to share knowledge between all the actors to achieve the best results possible. If you are a company or a professional individual with experience of 3D heritage documentation and you would like to become known to us, please fill in this form to be included in a future 3D heritage cluster.
You can follow the programme's progress on social networks with this hashtag, #Giravolt3D, or by subscribing to patrimoni.gencat's professional newsletter.
If you would like to contact us directly you can write to us at: