Les Falles del Pirineu | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Les Falles del Pirineu The Festivals of Fire on the Summer Solstice
In many villages of the Pyrenees everything is possible during the night when they celebrate the Festes del Foc, or Festivals of Fire. This ancestral tradition brings all the families and neighbours together on the night of Sant Joan to watch the magical light of the bonfires, the falles, the haros and the brandons.
The fire of Les Falles del Pirineu (or Torches of the Pyrenees) is burnt to coincide with the summer solstice as a symbol of renewal and life. The fire-bearers carry it down from the mountains using the Falles (or wooden torches) which they have prepared themselves. Thus, like a snake of light that descends the mountain, the fire of Sant Joan reaches the town square and the bonfire is lit around which the town dances all night.
The celebration is particular to each locality, and the fact is that there are up to sixty-three villages between Catalonia, Aragon, Andorra and the South of France that share in this age-old tradition. All of these have been on UNESCO's List of Intangible Heritage since 2015.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
The activities, dates and times vary according to each town. See the towns where you can enjoy the Fire Festivals.
