Business Development at Sketchfab
Jeanne Lenglet studied Business in HEC Paris and completed an Entrepreneurial MBA at Babson College in Boston. She is passionate about new technologies and applying them in creative ways. Almost 3 years ago, she joined Sketchfab and the NY team to help on partnerships, working with 3D software and publishing platforms to help grow their 3D ecosystem. One year ago, she returned to France in the Sketchfab Paris office to run business development for Europe. She helps organisations create and communicate online 3D content, most recently a Buddhist monastery in Hong Kong and an airbag French company! She gets excited about organisations, products, and (3D/VR/AR) experiences that deliver and inspire positive change for consumers, producers, employees, the environment and society at large. Always happy to discuss, she can be reached at:
Sketchfab: New Possibilities for Using Cultural and Historical 3D Content
The gallery, library, archive and museum (GLAM) sector has witnessed a boom in the production of historical and cultural 3D content because of the advent of 3D capture technology becoming increasingly more affordable and easy to use. As the question of how to digitise objects comes closer to being resolved, discussion has focused on the best way to use this collection of 3D models. Drawing on extensive and long-term collaborations with cultural organisations in the 3D space, this talk by Jeanne Lenglet from will present several cases for interactive 3D content from both the cultural and commercial sectors to help guide organisations and individuals on their journey towards 3D. Attendees of the presentation will learn how creating and holding collections of 3D content opens up a wealth of opportunities for GLAM institutions to engage with existing audiences in new ways, develop open access initiatives, commercial revenue streams and more. Moreover, it is possible for organisations large and small to begin exploring these possibilities today, most likely using equipment and expertise they already have available.
Business Development at Sketchfab

Sketchfab: New Possibilities for Using Cultural and Historical 3D Content
The gallery, library, archive and museum (GLAM) sector has witnessed a boom in the production of historical and cultural 3D content because of the advent of 3D capture technology becoming increasingly more affordable and easy to use. As the question of how to digitise objects comes closer to being resolved, discussion has focused on the best way to use this collection of 3D models. Drawing on extensive and long-term collaborations with cultural organisations in the 3D space, this talk by Jeanne Lenglet from will present several cases for interactive 3D content from both the cultural and commercial sectors to help guide organisations and individuals on their journey towards 3D. Attendees of the presentation will learn how creating and holding collections of 3D content opens up a wealth of opportunities for GLAM institutions to engage with existing audiences in new ways, develop open access initiatives, commercial revenue streams and more. Moreover, it is possible for organisations large and small to begin exploring these possibilities today, most likely using equipment and expertise they already have available.