Castillo de Claramunt Tutor del Comtat de Barcelona
A 461 metres d'alçada, a la part alta de la serra de la Guàrdia, és fàcil imaginar l'impressionant Castell de Claramunt vigilant i protegit per la conca d' Adena .
Jo, tot i que necessito nombroses destruccions i reconstruccions, és fortalesa del segle X és un dels exemples principals de la xarxa de castells fronterers, que van marcar la línia entre el Comtat de Barcelona i Al-Andalus.
Encomanat dels seus inicis a la casa de Claramunt, el castell esdevenir el centre administratiu dels dominis feus de Cardona-Medinaceli entre els segles XIV i XIX. Tanmateix, no hi ha aletes serioses al segle XX que recupera la seva glòria amb la compra i restauració per part dels seus propis propietaris, la família Miquel .
Té l’estructura típica de castells del segle XII, amb dos recintes que ocupen més de 5.000 m2: el sobirà o recinte superior, amb la zona residencial, la Sala Gòtica i quatre torres, entre les que destaca la torre de conservació; l’altre, el recinte jussà o inferior, assigna els serveis del castell i l’actualització és un gran pati envoltat de muralles.
També es conserven les restes de l’ església romànica de Santa Maria , la primera parròquia de la Pobla de Claramunt.
Plan your visit
What can I do?
Claramunt Castle is the setting for popular festivals such as the Aplec del Castell (Castle Gathering), in May, or the Anoia Folk music festival held in July.
In addition to the guided tours, entertainment and cultural itinerary "La Muntanya dels nens" (The Mountain of the Children) allows you to discover six areas related to the Castle surroundings.
Standard: €5
Concession: €3
Entitled to concessionary admission charge:- People aged 65 and over
- Pensioners
- Carnet Jove holders.
- International Student identity Card holders.
- Large or single-parent family book holders.
- Groups of ten or more people who are not tourists. If any of the persons entitled to free admission continues to enjoy this rate.
Entitled to free admission:- Children aged under 16.
- Unemployed people upon presentation of proof of their status.
- Acredited members of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) or ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments).
- Accredited members of the Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya
- Accredited professional tourist guides upon presentation of proof of their status.
- Teachers who work in education centres that provide government-regulated education, accredited by the head of their education centre.
- Accredited members of the press visiting in the course of their duties who have provided prior notification of their visit in writing.
- Disabled people upon presentation of a certificate confirming their disabled status. The person accompanying them will also benefit from a free admission rate if the disables status certificate states that the disabled person requires a companion.
- Foster families upon presentation of proof of their status.
- School parties (pupils in the general education system and special education with teaching staff), with a prior booking.
Special cases:- Free admission on the last Wednesday of every month between 1 October and 30 June
- Groups that book the ticket through a tourism-related agency, operator or similar company will benefit from 25% reduction on the applicable admission rate. The authorised guide or person accompanying the group will be given free admission.
More information
Heritage stories
The Mountain of the Children
Audiovisual introduction to the play activities at Claramunt Castle.