Museu d'Història de Catalunya | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Museu d'Història de Catalunya A journey lasting more than 1,000 years

The MHC is a museum designed to stimulate interest in the evolution of Catalan culture. In the Palau de Mar, one of the few conserved buildings of the old port of Barcelona, visitors follow a thought-provoking story that is divided into eight stages, starting in prehistoric times and finishing in the present day to, and taken from a social, economic, political and cultural point of view.

During the tour, you will find objects and documents, historical recreations and audiovisual and interactive scenes, which in an entertaining way, illustrate the history of this nation.

The visitor even gets the opportunity to climb onto the horse of a Lord in the war of the Middles Ages and hide in a trench of the Civil War.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

- The museum organises guided tours around Barcelona and historical routes around Catalonia.
- The exhibitions are complemented by cultural, family and leisure activities.
- The museum’s educational service has educational materials and resources that are offered to schools.

AccessibilityEvent hireCoffee Shop / Restaurant

From Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm.
Wednesday, 10 am to 8 pm (until 10 pm during July and August 2015)
Sundays and public holidays, from 10 am to 2.30 pm.
Closed on Mondays except public holidays
Closed on days: 25th and 26th December and 1st and 6th of January
July and August 2015: special summer opening times, Wednesday until 10 pm.


Permanent exhibition
General price: 4.50 euros
Concessions: 3.50 euros
Special concessions: 2.00 euros

Temporary exhibition
General price: 4 euros
Concessions>: 3 euros
Special concessions: 1.50 euros

Combined entry permanent exhibition + temporary exhibition
General price: 6.5 euros
Concessions: 4.5 euros
Special concessions: 2.50 euros


Museu d'Història de Catalunya
Pl. de Pau Vila, 3 (Palau de Mar)
08003 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 932254700

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