Caldes de Montbui (Aquae Calidae) | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Caldes de Montbui (Aquae Calidae) A large, Roman thermal spa resort
The Romans soon realised the benefits of the hot water that flowed naturally into what is now Caldes de Montbui. Which is why they founded a spa resort here that, even today, remains an exceptional testament, with the baths located right in the heart of the town. They are the most well preserved in the Iberian Peninsula.
The restored section – where you can see a pool, 13.5 metres by 6.9 metres, made with opus signium and covered by a vault - is just one of the wings of the large thermal bathing facilities built in the Imperial era. The town of Aquae Calidae grew up around it (although there is controversy about whether this name refers to the current Caldes de Montbui or to Caldes de Malavella), which was a major power in the 1st century AD. The remains of villas have also been found, dotted around the outskirts.

After the Romans, the town of Caldes went into decline, although it remained populated into the Visigothic era. Thermal bathing was brought back in the 19th century, when Caldes de Montbui became the second spa resort in Spain.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
If you want to know what the water in the caldarium of the baths was like, go to the Font del Lleó (Fount of the Lion). The water emerges from the ground at an average temperature of 74°C! 
(De octubre a mayo inclusive)
De 10 a 14 y de 16 a 19 de martes a sábado.
Domingo y festivos de 10 a 14.
Lunes no festivos cerrado.
(De junio a septiembre inclusive)
De 11 a 14 y de 17 a 20 de martes a sábado.
Domingo y festivos de 11 a 14.
Lunes no festivos cerrado.
Horarios especiales
Cerrado el 25 y 26 de diciembre y el 1 y 6 de enero.
De 11 a 14 y de 17 a 20.
Horarios visitas guiadas
Horarios Circuito Termal
Sábados, domingos y festivos a las 12 horas 
Sábado a las 17 horas (de junio a septiembre a las 18h) 
Se pueden concertar visitas para grupos en horarios diferentes llamando al teléfono 93 865 41 40 o enviando un correo electrónico a  visitesthermalia @ caldesdemontbui. cat
el primer y el tercer domingo de cada mes la visita al circuito termal no se realizará.
Horarios Museo Delger
Primer y tercer domingo de mes a las 12 horas. 
Se pueden concertar visitas para grupos en horarios diferentes llamando al teléfono 93 865 41 40 o enviando un correo electrónico a
* Fuera de las visitas guiadas previstas y las visitas guiadas concertadas, el Museo Delger permanecerá cerrado.
Prices entrance to Thermalia
General admission: € 3.40
Entrance pensioner and retired (after accreditation) 2.10 €
Student entry (subject to accreditation) 2.10 €
Gets arrested (with proof of status): € 2.10
Login parent and large families: € 2.10
Login groups (minimum 15 people) 2.80 €
Children under 10: Free
ICOM members: Free
Teachers: Free
Youth Card: Free
Catalan Society of Archaeologists: Free
Museologists Association of Catalonia: Free
Subscribers newspaper 9nou 50%
Language Volunteers: 50%
Rates and combined tours
Thermal Circuit general guided tour 2.80 €
Guided tour Circuit Thermal retired and pensioners: € 2.10
Guided tour Thermal Circuit students: € 2.10
Guided tour stopped Thermal Circuit: € 2.10
Guided tour Thermal Circuit parent and large families: € 2.10
Guided tour of museum Delger 3.40 €
Guided tour + Thermal Circuit Museum Thermalia 4.80 €
Guided tour Museum Museum Thermalia Delger + 5.00 €
Plaça Font del Lleó, 20
08140 Caldes de Montbui
Tel. 93 865 41 40

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