Passió d'Olesa de Montserrat | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Passió d'Olesa de Montserrat A spectacle driven by an entire village

The Passió d'Olesa de Montserrat (the Passion of Olesa de Montserrat), one of the most popular and biggest in Catalonia along with that in Esparraguera, has a predominantly religious origin: the Parish Archive of Olesa preserves the oldest document that mentions the event in an inventory from 1530.

However, since its inception the theatrical performance has always had an urban, civic and popular character. That is why the Church tried to control it during various periods, first moving the presentation inside the temple, and later prohibiting it.

Finally, from 1847 onwards, the show was performed in different locations (the Teatre Principal, the Teatre del Círcol, the Teatre Olesa and the Gran Teatre de la Passió), with the only break brought about by the Civil War. Currently, and since 1987, the modern Teatre de la Passió d’Olesa, a large building, has been the venue for these performances.

Hundreds of Olesans, including nearly 500 extras, selflessly participate every year in the theatrical representation of the Passion, which usually takes place at the weekend in March and April. In 1996 it achieved the world record by simultaneously gathering 729 actors on stage.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

Guided group tours and workshops are organised following the performance to discover all the secrets of the staging.

Event hire

Teatre La Passió
C. Anselm Clavé, 109
08640 Olesa de Montserrat
Tel. (+34) 937781009

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