You could spend two days on foot discovering places with a long history right next to Barcelona, such as the Ca n’Oliver Iberian settlement, in Cerdanyola del Vallès, and the Puig Castellar Iberian settlement, in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. What do you think?
PARC DE COLLSEROLAThis route starts in the Plaça Karl Marx (Canyelles Metro station, line 3), in Barcelona. A 90-minute walk will take you to the Parc de Collserola, crossing the Sant Cugat stream, until you reach Cerdanyola del Vallès.
CA N’OLIVER IBERIAN SETTLEMENTOnce you have arrived in Cerdanyola, visit the Ca n’Oliver Iberian settlement: the facilities at the permanent exhibition are modern. The settlement itself has been the subject of more than 20 years of archaeological research. Furthermore, it is one of the few places where it is possible to enter an accurately reconstructed Iberian home.
CERDANYOLA DEL VALLÈSWhen you have finished your visit go back to your hotel to leave your backpack and to rest a little before going out to explore the town. After lunch you can stroll through the town centre to see the town's
Modernista and
Noucentista buildings.
PUIG CASTELLAR IBERIAN SETTLEMENTAfter breakfast the following day you could take a two-and-a-half-hour trip to the Puig Castellar Iberian Settlement, on the top of a hill in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. From there you can enjoy magnificent views over the city of Barcelona and its surroundings. If you prefer, you can go half of the way on public transport, as far as Montcada i Reixac.
TORRE BALLDOVINA MUSEUMAfter visiting the settlement a 50-minute walk will take you to Santa Coloma de Gramenet, where you can complement your trip with a visit to the permanent exhibition at the Torre Balldovina museum. Here you can see the defensive Romanesque tower.
SANTA COLOMA DE GRAMENETAfter lunch you could take a stroll through the town, its Carrer Major, and see the old country houses, others in the
Modernista style and some with a markedly 1930s look. As the afternoon progresses you can return to Barcelona on foot following a route that takes about 30 to 50 minutes, depending on where you are going, or you could take the underground that will take you to various places in the city (Line 1, towards Hospital de Bellvitge).
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