Centre Picasso | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Centre Picasso The influence of a village
"Everything I know I learned in Horta" said an already established Pablo Picasso about his relationship with the village of the Terra Alta. These emotional and artistic links have been on display at the Centre Picasso since 1992.
Based in the Old Hospital of Horta de Sant Joan, a Renaissance building from the 16th century, this private organisation permanently exhibits facsimile reproductions of all works made by the painter from Malaga in his two visits to the town, in 1898 (invited by his friend Manuel Pallarès to convalesce after an illness) and in the summer of 1909 (accompanied by his girlfriend, Fernande Olivier). Also displayed are works evoking Horta that were made in Barcelona and Paris. In this way, the Centre allows works from two stages (his beginnings and Cubism) to be seen side-by-side which are otherwise currently distributed in museums and collections around the world.
The exhibition is complemented by objects, photographs and testimonials that illustrate Picasso’s time in the village, such as the table and the chairs from the bar where Picasso and Fernande played dominoes, chatted and drank Anís del Mono, or the easel the artist used during his stay at the Llotja de Barcelona.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
After visiting the Centre Picasso, take the opportunity to discover the landscapes of Horta de Sant Joan which were captured by the artist.
Centre Picasso
Carrer de l'Hospital, s/n
43596 Horta de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
Tel. (+34) 977435330 Veure localització