CosmoCaixa | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
CosmoCaixa Teaching of science

One must touch science. It was with this premise that the Museu de la Ciència of the "la Caixa" Foundation was born in 1981, the first interactive Science Museum in Spain. And this goal continues to be valid with the remodelling that took place at CosmoCaixa, and which was inaugurated in 2004.

With an area four times larger than the first, the CosmoCaixa Science Museum is divided into several areas to spread scientific knowledge through experimentation. For example, the geological wall shows several geological structures; the sala de la material (matter room) offers a tour from the Big Bang to the present time; the children's rooms are home to educational and recreational spaces such as the Planetari Bombolla (Bubble Planetarium), the Flash and Click room or the Touch! touch! room.

The CosmoCaixa even exactly replicates a section of a flooded Amazonian forest of more than 1,000 m². You can see the flooded section as well as terra firma, and the underground section, with the tropical rain included.

The CosmoCaixa is one of the most modern science museums in the world. Even so, it remains true to its origins. And it retains part of the modernist building where the first Museum was located: an old asylum for the blind by the architect Josep Domènech i Estapà built in 1904 at the foot of Tibidabo mountain.

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What can I do?

CosmoCaixa programmes a large number of activities directed at state schools and families to publicise all sorts of topics relating to science.

AccessibilityEvent hireCoffee Shop / Restaurant

CosmoCaixa Barcelona
Isaac Newton, 26
08022 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 932126050

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