Design Museum of Barcelona | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Design Museum of Barcelona Cult objects of everyday life

Devoted to the culture of the object, the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona (Design Museum of Barcelona) offers visitors unique collections formed of more than 70,000 pieces which cover, in chronological order, items from the 4th century BC to the present day. The object and all that it means to society is the common denominator of all collections: from its conception, creation and production up to its use according to the period.

Contemplating many of the pieces of the museum is to return, often, to the everyday environment: the Montesa Impala motorcycle, the poster of the opening of the Camp Nou or the Olympic mascot Cobi, among many others, are objects that appeal directly to the sentimental memory of the spectator.

The vast wealth of the new museum in Barcelona is formed by the merger of the collections of the Museu de les Arts Decoratives (decorative arts), the Museu de Ceràmica (ceramics), the Museu Tèxtil i d'Indumentària (textiles and clothing), and the Gabinet de les Arts Gràfiques (graphic arts).

But if the content is outstanding, its container, the Museu del Disseny itself, is not far behind: the building, designed by the MBM team of architects and popularly known as the la grapadora (the stapler), is already a new icon of the contemporary architecture of the city.

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What can I do?

Guided tours of the collections and temporary exhibitions and activities designed for children are offered by the centre devoted to the object of yesterday and today.

AccessibilityCoffee Shop / Restaurant

Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38
08018 Barcelona
Tel. 932566800

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Heritage stories

Discover the museum

The object and its use in the artisanal and pre-industrial era, and also in the industrial or digital era