Girona City History Museum | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Girona City History Museum From Gerunda to the Transition to Democracy
The visit to the Girona City History Museum starts with a look at the building itself. It is a Gothic mansion (15th century) owned by the Cartellà family, which became the Capuchin convent of Sant Antoni in the 18th century. The cemetery, the cistern and the cloister have been preserved from this time. At the end of the 19th century it was converted into a school and finally, in 1981, it was transformed into a museum. In addition, it houses the remains of the wall of the ancient Gerunda and part of the enclosure of the medieval Cal or Jewish quarter.

In all, a journey through the history of Girona which already indicates what the visitor will find on display inside: a chronological journey through the Roman, medieval, modern and contemporary Girona that is completed with a look at various Catalan traditions such as the cobla and the sardana.

Among the most notable exhibits are: the fragment of the pavement mosaic of Can Pau Birol, from 300 AD; the bronze sculpture of the Angel from the Cathedral of Girona, made in 1764 by Ramon Salvatella; modernista and noucentista works by the sculptors, Fidel Aguilar and Ricard Guinó; and posters of political events from the Transition to Democracy in Girona, among other items.

The Museum also manages the air-raid shelter of the Jardí de la Infància, from the Civil War, and the modernista branch of the Agència Gómez.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
The Museum offers a varied programme of activities and temporary exhibitions for the whole family.
Event hire
From October to April: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm; Sundays and Bank Holidays from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
From May to September: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm; Sundays and Bank Holidays from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
Closed: non-Bank Holiday Mondays; 1 and 6 January; 25 and 26 December 
General admission: €4,00
Concessions: €2,00; students, members of the Readers' Circle, Carnet Jove holders, people with Tourist Bus tickets, members of the Girona Nursing Association, Qltura Jove card holders, M5 Gironamuseus ticket holders, culture card holders, members of the public libraries in Girona and Salt; all with the corresponding accreditation.
2 for 1: hostel owners with the corresponding accreditation.
Free entry: children under 16 years old, retirees, pensioners, ICOM members, students studying at the Girona Language School, GEiEG members, teachers, people accompanying groups, members of the press; all with the corresponding accreditation. Disabled visitors with certification of their disability and a companion can enjoy free admission to the museum and temporary exhibitions.
On the first Sunday of every month there is free entry for all
Free entry for all to all the temporary exhibitions
+34 972 222 229
Carrer de la Força, 27
17004 Girona  (Gironès)
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