La Draga | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
La Draga The inhabitants of the lake

What life was like in Catalonia 7,000 years ago? Providing an answer to this question has become easier since the discovery of the archaeological site of La Draga, in Banyoles. This neolithic settlement, currently submerged beneath the waters of the lake, is one of the oldest settlements of agricultural and livestock farmers in Catalonia and is an exceptional site: it is the only one on the Iberian Peninsula where tools made entirely of wood have been recovered intact.

In 1994, the Centre for Underwater Archaeology of Catalonia (CASC) began its excavation and study, work which is underway both on the land and underwater. The wooden tools that have been found are bows, javelins, digging sticks, spindles, ladles, mixers and wedges, as well as handles, also of wood, adzes, sickles and arrow stems. The flooring recovered from the cabins where they sheltered has allowed the reconstruction of some of these prehistoric dwellings.

Currently, the La Draga Neolithic Park, located next to the lakeside village, allows the visitor to discover daily life in the Neolithic period and get to know a little more about its ancient settlers. These shelters, built on the banks of the lake, enjoy surroundings that offer resources in abundance.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

Discover the daily life of the Neolithic period in the La Draga Archaeological Park: visit the cabins that have been rebuilt on the edge of the lake and learn about archaeological research. La Draga also offers visits designed especially for schoolchildren.


Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Placeta de la Font, 11
17820 Banyoles (Girona)
Tel. (+34) 972572361

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