MNACTEC | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
MNACTEC At the very heart of Catalan industrial heritage

The Modernista Vapor Aymerich, Amat i Jover woollen mill is one of the finest examples of industrial Modernista architecture in Catalonia. Designed by the architect Lluís Muncunill and opened in 1908, it is currently the headquarters of the Museu Nacional de la Ciència i la Tècnica de Catalunya - MNACTEC (National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia).

With its characteristic roof of Catalan-vaulted skylights supported by cast iron pillars, and a 42-metre high chimney, the building housed the entire process for transforming wool, from fleece to woven cloth. The name by which the mill is popularly known, 'El Vapor' (steam), refers to the steam engine that was its driving force until 1914.

The museum today reflects the building's industrial past as a woollen mill. The aim of the MNACTEC is both to conserve and raise awareness about Catalonia's scientific, technical and industrial heritage, while also demonstrating the social impact it had. The permanent exhibitions encompass the textile industry, sources of energy, computing, chemistry and transport, amongst others.

The MNACTEC also oversees a Territorial System that coordinates 26 museums and other centres specialising in industrial, scientific and technological heritage. Each of them provides a unique thematic perspective that helps explain the process of industrialisation in Catalonia, as well as the technical, social and cultural repercussions it had.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

- In addition to the permanent, temporary and touring exhibitions, the Museum offers experiences in order to understand, at first hand, the technological, scientific and industrial processes.
- mNACTEC’s Regional Network offers activities such as workshops and dramatised visits to the 27 museums for both schools and families.

AccessibilityEvent hireCoffee Shop / Restaurant
General ticket: 6 €

Reduced ticket: 4 €
Over 65s, pensioners, Carnet Jove cardholders, students with international student card, holders of documentation for large or single-parent families, non-tourist groups of 10 people or more with a prior reservation (If the group or any o dits membres are entitled to free entrance they can continue to enjoy this discount), people from 16 to 25, families (2 adults and one child or more).

Under 16s, unemployed persons, members of ICOM (International Council of Museums) and ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments), members of Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya, professional tourist guides, certified teachers, journalists visiting in a professional capacity who have previously provided written notification of their visit, disabled persons (Companions may enter free of charge providing the disabled person’s card states the need for a companion), foster families, AMCTAIC members, Terrassa Railway Club Members, MNACTEC Territorial Structure Pass, Cultural Heritage Pass, Fent País Pass, first Sunday in each month.

Open day:
St George's Day (23 April), International Museums Day (around 18 May), Modernist Fair of Terrassa (second weekend in May), Terrassa Local Fair (first Monday in July), National Day of Catalonia (11 September), European Heritage Days (October). Buy your ticket

Museu Nacional de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya
Rambla d'Ègara, 270
08221 Terrassa
Tel. (+34) 937368966

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