Museu del Cinema | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Museu del Cinema The fascination for the moving image

The Museu del Cinema de Girona was created from the exceptional collection of objects related to the world of pre-cinema and the films of Tomàs Mallol made up of 8,000 objects, 10,000 documents (photographs, posters, prints, drawings and paintings), 800 films and 700 books and magazines. Opened in 1998, it became the first museum of its kind in Spain and one of the few existing in Europe./p>

Entering the Museu del Cinema is to embark on a process of discovery. And the permanent exhibition has in the spectator their own point of view. This is not surprising. Throughout history, man has been fascinated by the moving image, from the primitive Chinese shadows until the early years of cinema.

This discovery process is divided into 10 sections plus an audiovisual, which serves as a prologue to the exhibition, and an epilogue that refers to amateur and children's cinema.The main discourse ends in the 1930s, with the arrival of the first televisions.

Thus the visitor gets an educational and entertaining understanding of the workings of magic lanterns, optical boxes, cameras obscura, chronophotography, gadgets for giving movement to the first images (phenakistoscopes, zoetropes, etc.…), projectors... The visitor even gets to be fooled by several optical illusions, which demonstrate that, since ancient times, the most important thing has always been to surprise

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What can I do?

- The programming includes family activities and film courses.
- The educational service enables the visitor to enhance the educational aspect of the visit.
- The museum promotes research in the art and technique of film through its Institut d'Estudis (Institute of Studies).


Museu del Cinema-Col·lecció Tomàs Mallol
C. Sèquia, 1
17001 Girona
Tel. (+34) 972412777

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Heritage stories

The Tomàs Mallol Collection

This is part of the material that you will find on display at the Museo del Cine de Girona.