Palau Moja | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Palau Moja The reflection of the tastes of the bourgeoisie

To pass through the gates of the Palau Moja is to discover how the high bourgeoisie lived in the 18th and 19th centuries in Barcelona. The house was the property of two of the most important men of the city, which became a meeting point for the high society of the age.

Josep de Copons, Marquis de Moja, and his wife, Maria Luisa Descatllar, commissioned its construction from the architect Josep Mas. In 1784 he opened the building, which combines Baroque elements with influences of French Neoclassicism. Notable from this first stage, is the Grand Salon, with paintings by Francesc Pla, known as "El Vigatà", and the façades. Interestingly the main door is located in Carrer Portaferrissa. At this time the Ramblas was still a watercourse that had just began to be developed.

In 1870, the Marquis of Comillas, father-in-law of Eusebi Güell, bought the Palace and adapted it to the taste of the period. One of the most visible renovations was the Staircase of Honour. Also dating from then are the blue, pink and green salons. Jacint Verdaguer lived there for 15 years as a family chaplain and almoner.

After the fire of 1971, the Palace was abandoned for eleven years. It is currently the headquarters of the Cultural Heritage Department of the Catalan Government’s Ministry of Culture.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

If you stroll down the Ramblas in Barcelona, stop in front of this palace, a reflection of Barcelona's high-bourgeoisie, and admire the entrance and the main staircase.


The Palace is given over to the offices of the Directorate General for Cultural heritage. You can visit it by pre-arranged visits.



Free entrance

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Palau Moja
Carrer Portaferrissa, 1
08002 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 933162740

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