Prat de la Riba House-Museum | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Prat de la Riba House-Museum Llar d'una figura històrica del nacionalisme català
L’antiga Casa Pedrós, al centre de Castellterçol, és on va néixer i morir una de les figures clau del segle XX a Catalunya: Enric Prat de la Riba . Convertit en museu, ens apropa a la figura fundacional de la Lliga Regionalista, el primer president de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya i un dels principals teòrics del nacionalisme català.

Acompanyat d’una exhibició audiovisual, podem seguir la seva carrera professional i la ideologia del polític i escriptor. Al mateix temps, ens endinsem en el seu àmbit més personal, ja que l’arquitectura i els mobles són originals de la casa. Així, podem descobrir com era la vida en una casa de camp ben feta a principis del segle XX.

A excepció de l’oficina, que conté els mobles que Prat de la Riba tenia a Barcelona, ​​la resta de la casa es conserva intacta. Destaquen la cuina, el centre de la vida familiar i el menjador, reservat per a ocasions especials. La religiositat de la família es reflecteix en la presència d’imatges religioses a la majoria d’habitacions, particularment a les habitacions.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
La Casa-Museu del Prat de la Riba organitza visites guiades i en grup, activitats per a famílies i conferències sobre el polític català.
Check the schedules on the monument's website

Standard: €4
Concession: €2
Entitled to concessionary admission charge: 
  • People aged 65 and over.
  • Pensioners.
  • Carnet Jove holders.
  • International Student Identity Card holders.
  • Large or single-parent family book holders.
  • Groups of ten or more people who are not tourists. If any of the persons entitled to free admission continues to enjoy this rate.

Entitled to free admission:
  • Children aged under 16.
  • Unemployed people upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • Accredited members of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) or ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments).
  • Accredited members of the Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya.
  • Accredited professional tourist guides upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • Teachers who work in education centres that provide government-regulated education, visiting in the course of their duties and accredited by the head of their education centre.
  • Accredited members of the press visiting in the course of their duties who have provided prior notification of their visit in writing.
  • Disabled people upon presentation of a certificate confirming their disabled status. The person accompanying them will also benefit from a free admission rate if the disabled status certificate states that the disabled person requires a companion.
  • Foster families upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • School parties (pupils in the genreral education system: infants, primary and compulsory secondary education, students in middle-level vocational training and teaching staff) with a prior booking.

Special cases:
  • Free admission on the last Tuesday of every month between 1 October and 30 June.
  • Groups that book through a tourism-related agency, operator or similar company will benefit from a 25% reduction on the applicable admission rate. The authorised guide or person accompanying the group will be given free admission.

Casa-Museu Prat de la Riba
Plaça Prat de la Riba, 7
08183 Castellterçol (Barcelona)
Tel. (+34) 938666362 Veure localització