University of Cervera | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
University of Cervera Unique display of the Catalan Baroque

Cervera is home to one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Catalonia. The imposing sobriety of the University building is the remaining trace of the institution that was built here.

It was the political circumstances that made the creation of this institution of higher education possible. King Felip V founded it in 1717 as compensation for damages suffered during the war of the Spanish succession, and became the intellectual centre of Catalonia.

The majestic architecture of the building follows a scheme borrowed from military architecture, with a rectangular floor plan and towers on the corners. The main façade is in the moderate Baroque style and was adapted to local character, while the second façade, the interior, represents the new neo-classical trends.

The most significant area of this majestic building is the paranymph or events hall, which also includes the chapel. On the altar there is a Baroque altarpiece made by the master Jaume Padró, a small apse with alabaster sculptures from Sarral surrounded by coloured marbles. The complex is presided over by the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the University and the representative of the Wisdom.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

-Several types of visit are organised: guided and dramatised tours to find out about the University, the Church and the town of Cervera.


Universitat de Cervera
Plaça Universitat s/n
25200 Cervera (Lleida)
Tel. (+34) 973531303

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