Caldes de Malavella (Aquis Voconis) | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Caldes de Malavella (Aquis Voconis) ‘Aqua vita est’
Some experts swear that it was called Aquis Voconis. Others say that it was called Aquae Calidae. Regardless, the fact is that the current Caldes de Malavella became an important thermal bath resort with the Romanisation in the 1st century AD. Located close to the Via Augusta, many travellers stopped here to relax and benefit from the healing properties of the hot water (which emerges at 60 ° C). The town grew up around it.

The remains of the ancient Roman baths have been preserved as a testimony to this time, the excavation of which began in 1897-1902. The complex is composed of a central pool surrounded by rooms given over to curative treatments. There are three spaces at the back, which may have been bath tubs, where oils were applied.

The site is very well preserved. The mechanisms that operated the water can be seen almost intact! During the excavations, objects have been found such as a dog made of bronze and coins from various periods, which can be seen in the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Girona (Girona branch of the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia).

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What can I do?
The Fira de l'Aigua (Water Fair) is held on the first weekend of October. In addition, each summer there are dramatised visits and, periodically, markets and fairs themed around the thermal bath heritage of Caldes. 
s/n, Carrer Pla i Daniel
17455 Caldes de Malavella
Tel: (+34) 972 480 103
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