Palau de la Música | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Palau de la Música The most sumptuous and brilliant "Modernisme"
World Heritage

The musicians Lluís Millet and Amadeu Vives, founders of the Catalan Choral Society in 1891, commissioned Lluis Domenech i Montaner to construct a building as the headquarters of the organisation. However, they didn't want just any building, rather a unique building that would reflect the sentiment of the Catalan bourgeoisie of the late nineteenth century. On 23rd April, 1905, construction was started and the Barcelona high-society did not miss its opening on 9th February, 1908.

A particularly outstanding feature of the façade is the sculptural cluster representing Catalan popular music. Once inside, the visitor encounters main foyer, a baroque area full of colour, before they are presented with the real jewel of the building: the concert hall. Domenech i Montaner used a steel structure that supports the weight of construction in order to obtain a large, open and clean space. In addition, the ceiling is adorned with a large skylight in the shape of an inverted dome that represents a sun surrounded by female faces. The stage is the other big attraction of the hall, flanked by the most important sculptures of the building.

Domenech i Montaner designed a palace where architecture is combined with sculpture, joinery, marquetry, glasswork, mosaic and ceramics. This is what we know as a true work of art.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

- Guided tours offer you the opportunity to admire the building in terms of heritage.
- If you want to enjoy the excellent acoustics in the Palau, book tickets for any of its concerts.

AccessibilityEvent hireCoffee Shop / Restaurant

Palau de la Música Catalana
C. Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 932957200

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