Romanesque weekend: els Pallars and the Alt Urgell | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.


1. Castell de Mur (Autor: Josep Giribet)
2. Santa Maria de Mur (Autor: Josep Giribet)
3. Sant Climent de Coll de Nargó (Autor: Josep Giribet)

Route map

Romanesque weekend: els Pallars and the Alt Urgell

Romanesque style in the heart of the Pyrenees
High-perched castles, paintings hidden for centuries and even elves who can't stop working for even a second, though they are not responsible for the area's excellent Romanesque style, so we believe...

You will find these and other surprises upon crossing three of the largest counties in Catalonia: the Alt Urgell, Pallars Sobirà and Pallars Jussà.


In the Serra del Montsec, dominating the Conca de Tremp, on a hill you will find a luxurious medieval pair separated by only 100 metres. The Castle of Mur and the ancient Monastery of Sant Maria are two extraordinary examples of Romanesque religious and civil architecture.

If you cross the Noguera Pallaresa river, you will arrive at another exceptional place: Llimiana contains four 11th century churches and the murals of an even older castle. In Isona and Conca Dellà historic, architectural and paleontological heritage coexists: there are castles, churches, vestiges of the of Civil War and dinosaur remains that you can study in the open air or in the Museu de la Conca Dellà (Museum of la Conca Dellà).

In the Vall Fosca one must stop in the churches of Cabdella and Tower of Cabdella. Additionally, if you are interested in more recent history, a visit to the Hydroelectric Museum can't be passed by.


The Pallars Sobirà is the land of the minairons, tireless labouring elves who have excavated the majority of the Pyrenean scree slopes. However, this county is also home to Romanesque jewels in València d’Àneu, Esterri and the Guingueta, with the vestiges of the canonry of Santa Maria of Àneu at the front.

If you enter into Baix Pallars, it is worthwhile to stop and study the singular two-level apse of Sant Serni de Baiasca and its mural paintings, of which few are conserved in situ in the Pyrenees. In Gerri de la Sal you will find the church of the ancient Visigoth monastery and the only preserved remnant of the ancient abbey.


In the Seu d’Urgell is one of the largest cathedrals in Catalonia: Santa Maria d’Urgell is the only preserved fully Romanesque structure. The church of Sant Climent de Coll of Nargó is more modest; the horseshoe arch picture windows on the first section of the bell tower are a testament to Islamic influence.

Visiting the paintings of Estamariu and the monastery of Sant Sadurní de Tavèrnoles in Anserall are two of the best way to finish this route. However, we are too close to Andorra to not visit the small church of Sant Miquel d'Engolasters and the interesting pre-Romanesque temple of Santa Coloma.

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