Abrics de l'Ermita | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Abrics de l'Ermita Portraits from a hunter's life
World Heritage

Located in the Sierra de Godall of Ulldecona, the Abrics de l'Ermita (the hermitage rock shelters) are the most important set of Levantine cave paintings in Catalonia and have been on the Unesco World Heritage list since 1998 and form part of the Route of Rock Art.

In this exceptional complex, the Neolithic man drew a world of beliefs or mythical stories related to the hunt. The steep cliffs of Godall were a place conducive to capturing animals and so you can see in the paintings through the various species of animals in the area, of the archers and, even, of divinities and specialists in charge of carrying out rituals. Experts say that the Neolithic society used the cave painting as a means of communication with the aim to point out places of meeting and celebration of certain rites.

The first paintings of the Sierra de Godall were discovered in 1975 in a cave in the ravine. Currently we have located up to fourteen shelters decorated by man 8,000 years ago. Just next to the shelters, the Abrics de l’Ermita Interpretation Centre for Rock Art, created by the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia, allows the visitor to discover the artistic and historical heritage of Ulldecona through graphical, photographic, audiovisual resources and replicas of the paintings.

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What can I do?

Through an educational and entertaining presentation, the Abrics de l’Ermita Interpretation Centre for Rock Art offers an overview of the Levantine Art and of the 13 shelters that make up the Ulldecona complex.


Centre d’Interpretació d’Art Rupestre dels Abrics de l’Ermita
Carretera de Tortosa. Ermita de la Pietat
43550 Ulldecona (Montsià)
Tel. (+34) 977573394 / (+34) 977573034

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Heritage stories

Art 8,000 years ago

The number of paintings conserved in La Sierra del Godall is extraordinary, although the collection also stands out for the quality and formal diversity of the representations