"Celler de Dalt " of Barberà de la Conca | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
"Celler de Dalt " of Barberà de la Conca The Innovations of Cèsar Martinell
To the south of Barberà de la Conca we find the winery of the Sindicat Agrícola de Barberà de la Conca , (Agricultural Union of Barberà de la Conca) known as the "celler de Dalt" or "Sindicat dels rics" ("Union of the rich"). It was built between the years 1920 and 1921 and those involved in its creation included the architect Cèsar Martinell, the winemaker Isidre Campllonch, and the ecologist engineer Imbert. These were professionals who put all their talent at the service of the reformist agrarian bourgeoisie. 
Its construction was undoubtedly one of the most modern of its time, thanks mainly to the technical innovations introduced by Martinell. These were innovations that affected both the architecture and the technology required for the production of wine and that Martinell would apply to almost all of the wineries he designed. They included building the structure with parabolic arches of brick, situating the windows on the lower part of the buildings, making underground cylindrical presses separated by insulating chambers and lastly, the composition and texture of the facades.
The building has two parallel rectangular areas, but unlike other wineries, their dimensions are not equal. The large area was kept for storage while the smaller one was divided into an unloading dock, the machine room and the home of the concierge.
The main body of the building, measuring 43 by 21 metres, is divided into three areas and has the typical basilica plan used in Christian churches. The areas are separated by pillars in a cross plan which forks out in the top part, resulting in balanceded arches or catenaries (much used by Antoni Gaudí). Above the arches there are some walls crossed by roof trusses that support the sloping roof on two sides; the walls include large windows constructed with brickwork -  the same as the doors - that illuminate this great central area.
However, the most outstanding element on the exterior is the elegant water tower, which was built later. It comprises two main structures, one with a square plan and the other octagonal, finishing in a conical crown. Some authors have likened this structure to Baroque belfries, once again comparing the "wine cathedrals" to the Christian churches of "casa nostra" (our land, Catalonia).

Plan your visit

What can I do?
- Complete the discovery of the winery with a visit with wine tasting. Don't forget to book in advance.
- The winery incorporates free activities for the little ones to have fun while learning the world of wine.

Guided tours: Saturdays and Sundays, at 11 am.
Farm shop: Monday to Friday: 9 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:30 to 7 pm. | Saturday, 10 am – 2 pm and 5 – 8 pm | Sundays and public holidays, 10 am-2pm.
Check the prices on the monument's website.
Agrícola de Barberà, SCCL
C. del Comerç, 40
43422 Barberà de la Conca
Tel. 977 88 70 35
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