Medieval Town of Pals | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Medieval Town of Pals The guardian of the lagoon
The name Pals (derived from the Latin palus, "marshy terrain") perfectly describes the geographic framework of marshes and swamps that existed on this stretch of coast. Therefore, it is not without reason that the town originated at the top of a hill, above the plain. Today, the historic centre of Pals, known as the Pedró Quarter, allows one to make a tour of the medieval past of the village.

Projecting above the roofs of the old town is the Torre de les Hores (Clock Tower), the only remaining evidence of the old castle of Pals. It was the Keep Tower, circular and in the Romanesque style, built on a podium of natural rock. Its name comes from the small Gothic bell tower of three pilasters that was added in the 15th century.

The Church of Sant Pere is a building with a single nave, built in the Gothic style, with some later additions such as the Baroque portal. This replaces an earlier Romanesque building (12th century) of which the remains of the western façade have been preserved, incorporated into the current front façade. In building the nave, they probably made use of the stone from the Castle, which was in ruins.

The walls of Pals are one of the best preserved in the Empordà region. The course of the wall remains virtually intact, and only a few sections have been transformed or destroyed, particularly on the eastern and southern sides, which is where the town has been extended. The interior of the old town is a complex of narrow and steep streets, which are centred around the Carrer Major, which has covered sections. What gives unity to the whole complex is the yellowish colour of the walls which derives from the sandstone with which they are built.

Plan your visit

What can I do?
Stroll around the interior of the town. Many buildings have Gothic and Renaissance decoration, such as the old and the current Town Hall or Ca la Pruna.
Medieval Town of Pals
17252 Pals (Girona) Veure localització