Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes The Colossus of Cap de Creus

The Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes stands on one of the peaks of the Serra de Rodes, a mountain range right by the sea in the north of Alt Empordà. It is one of the many testimonials of Catalan Romanesque architecture, but it may also be one of the most architecturally sophisticated.

From the 11th to the 14th century it was the main spiritual centre of the county of Empúries and its splendor can be seen in the large dimensions of the monastic complex. This comprises the church, the bell tower, the cloister, the sacristies, the conventional rooms for everyday living and the Palau de l’Abat (the Abbot's Palace).

The monastery is built in terraces in order to adapt to the terrain and the various buildings are arranged around the cloister and the church, built between the 10th and 11th centuries. In these two buildings you can see an exceptional example of Romanesque sculpture: the columns (original) and the capitals that crown them tell us about the classical influence that has marked this unique church.

On the outside, the ‘portalada’, designed by the Mestre de Cabestany, showed different scenes from the life of Christ carved in white marble. The scarce fragments that remain, give us a sample of their extraordinary quality, probably one of the best of its time.

From the monastery you can enjoy one of the best views of Cap de Creus. Shortly before reaching it, you will see the ruins of the medieval village of Santa Creu de Rodes, the most notable of these being the Church of Santa Helena de Rodes.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

- A wide ranging programme that includes films, concerts, guided tours of the exhibitions... it attracts both the general public and families.
- It runs an educational programme.
- During summer, outdoor festive activities are organised.

Event hireCoffee Shop / Restaurant
Check the schedules on the monument's website
Standard: 6 €
Concession: 4€

Entitled to concessionary admission charge:
  • People aged 65 and over.
  • Pensioners.
  • Carnet Jove holders.
  • International Student Identity Card holders.
  • Large or single-parent family book holders.
  • Groups of ten or more people who are not tourists. If any of the persons entitled to free admission continues to enjoy this rate.

Entitled to free admission:
  • Children aged under 16.
  • Unemployed people upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • Accredited members of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) or ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments).
  • Accredited members of the Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya.
  • Accredited professional tourist guides upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • Teachers who work in education centres that provide government-regulated education, accredited by the head of their education centre.
  • Accredited members of the press visiting in the course of their duties who have provided prior notification of hteir visit in writing.
  • Disabled people upon presentation of a certificate confirming their disabled status. The person accompanying them will also benefit from a reduced admission rate if the disabled status certificate states that the disabled person requires a companion.
  • Foster families upon presentation of proof of their status.
  • School parties (pupils in the general education system and special education with teaching staff) with a prior booking.

Special cases:
  • Free admission on the last Tuesday of every month between 1 October and 30 June
  • Groups that book through a tourism-related agency, operator or similar company will benefit from a 25% reduction on the applicable admission rate. The authorised guide or person accompanying the group will be given free admission.

Conjunt monumental de Sant Pere de Rodes
Camí del Monestir, s/n
17489 El Port de la Selva (Girona)
Tel. (+34) 972387559 / (+34) 972194238

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