New narratives for cultural heritage: from 3D to immersive experiences
Mappings, escape rooms, virtual reality, video games... We have seen how new narratives have reached a variety of sectors over recent years, including the heritage sector, and have created new paths, not only from a technological point of view, but also with new ways of communicating art, history or science.
This Seminar provides a first-hand account of some of the most interesting international experiences within this field, as well as an opportunity to discover several lesser-known cutting-edge projects.
It should be noted that the creation of 3D content plays a crucial role in many of these new experiences. The production of 3D models of heritage buildings and museum objects is now a great deal easier and more affordable, and these models can be used not only for documentation or conservation, but also for educational activities and communicating with the public, thereby paving the way for the creation of immersive narratives.
Institutional welcome by Marta Lacambra i Josep Manuel Rueda.
"The Cultural Logic of the Immersive", by Jose Luís de Vicente, "Building Immersive Worlds for Heritage Audiences", by Timothy Powell, "Sketchfab: New Possibilities for Using Cultural and Historical 3D Content", by Jeanne Lenglet and "Working Digitally: Specific Applications for Cultural Heritage", by Lyn Wilson.
Afternoon lectures
"New narratives and the Catalana Agency of Cultural Heritage", by Damià Martínez.
Presentation of projects of new narratives:
"The digital strategy of the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia”, by Joan Muñoz, "Cultural heritage in Catalonia in 3D and the heritage digitisation programme” by Albert Sierra and Lluís González, "The 3D virtual tours of Hallwyl House in Stockholm and the community response”, by Erik Lernestal, "GDH: a 3D Project of the world", by Víctor López Menchero, "New narratives at the Water Museum", by Sònia Hernández, "IDEAL: The first digital arts centre”, by Jordi Sellas, and "Pedralbes monastery through a video game of virtual reality and serious game", by Anna Castellano and Albert Burzon.
Conclusions by Marisol López.