Ecomuseu-Farinera | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Ecomuseu-Farinera A voyage into the industrial past of Catalan flour

Integrated into the Regional Network of the Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya, the Ecomuseu-Farinera at Castelló d'Empúries has, from 2004, explained the story of the men and women of the region dedicated to the cultivation of the wheat grain and the various uses of the flour.

The building of la Farinera offers a tour of the Catalan industrial flour heritage. The machines, tools and structures exhibited are testimony of an activity that has developed since medieval times: first in the old flour mill, and from the end of the 19th century to 2001, at the modern flour mill factory.

The visit to the Ecomuseum is completed with a route that follows, up to the Pont de la Mercè, part of the five kilometres of the Rec del Molí (mill irrigation channel). This hydraulic infrastructure drove water from the weir at Vilanova de la Muga to the flour mill, skirting around and supplying the orchards and fields. Upon arrival at the flour mill, the water turned a Francis turbine from 1905, which was responsible for generating the energy necessary for the operation of the factory.

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What can I do?

- You can discover the space of the factory and get to know the industrial process of wheat and flour with the guided tours.
- The educational service offers workshops and visits for schools.


Ecomuseu-Farinera de Castelló d’Empúries
C. Sant Francesc, 5-7
17486 Castelló d’Empúries (Girona)Tel. (+34) 972250512

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