Olèrdola | Cultural Heritage. Goverment of Catalonia.
Olèrdola The coveted mountain

Olèrdola has known the presence of man from the Bronze Age until well into the 20th century. This fact shows the strategic importance of a settlement located on the hill of Sant Miquel, which overlooks the Penedès plain. Olèrdola is currently one of the sites of the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (Catalonia Archaeology Museum) and is part of the Iberian Route.

Its position made Olèrdola an ideal place in times of war but barely habitable during periods of peace. For this reason, the site also has known long periods of abandonment.

The population have left their mark. There is an Iberianoppidum, a fortified and walled village. There is also an impressive Roman fortification to control the territory and, in particular, the access road to Tarraco (the old name for Tarragona). Finally, within the group is a medieval town, with Romanesque and Pre-Romanesque churches (Sant Miquel and Santa Maria), the castle and anthropomorphic tombs dug out of the rock.

At the beginning of the 12th century, the decline of Olèrdola and the displacement of the population in the plain began.

Currently preserved are the remains of the Castle, the Church of Sant Miquel, a Romanesque building, and the Necropolis of Sant Miquel, an excellent display of the characteristic burials from the High Middle Ages.

Plan your visit

What can I do?

The MAC’s Olèrdola site offers visitors a variety of activities to discover the imprint that man has made from the bronze age up to the present day. It also has a modern Interpretative Centre for the complex. The activities include:

- Guided and dramatised tours.
-Activities for children and families.
-The Gourmet Route to the Park of Olèrdola.
-The Iberian Weekend (October).
-International Museum Day (18th May).

Event hire

16th December to 28th February: from 10 am to 4 pm
1st March to 31st May: from 10 am to 5.30 pm
1st June to 30th September: from 10 am to 8 pm
1st October to 15th December: from 10 am to 5:30 pm

Closing Days: Mondays, 25th and 26th December and 1st January.


Normal admission: € 3.50

Reduced admission: € 2.50

People aged 65 or more, pensioners, the holders of the Youth Card, students with International Student Card, those possessing the large family or parent, no tourist groups of 10 or more people by appointment. If this is a group where some members are entitled to free entry can continue to enjoy this reduction

Entrance free: Persons under 16 years, the unemployed, the members of ICOM (International Council of Museums) and ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments), duly accredited, the members of the Association of Museum of Catalonia duly accredited, those professional tour guides, duly accredited, people of formal education teachers accredited by the management of the school in carrying out their work, the press duly accredited professionals, in the exercise of their work, have communicated in writing their visit, people with disability certificate. The accompanying rate will also free if the accreditation card identifies the person accompanying need


Castell d'Olèrdola
08734 Olèrdola (Barcelona)
Tel. (+34) 938901420

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